Vertical Spindle Roller Mill
Hydraulic loaded rollers crush and shear the input material upon a rotating table. With over 100 years’ experience, the Loesche Group has made its name in the development of the vertical spindle roller mill. There is no solution more reliable or consistent in the size reduction of coal or biomass.

Dynamic Classifier
Pulverised material is passed though vanes and a cage-like rotor. Only material small enough makes its way through to the outlet, whilst? any oversized material is returned to the grinding table below for further pulverisation. The velocity of the rotor affects the size of particulates allowed through, enabling fine tuning of the boiler and enhancing its performance. It also contributes to increased response to power demand changes to the unit, while maintaining optimum performance. The Loesche Dynamic Classifier is respected globally and often retrofitted to existing mills from different manufacturers, to improve plant performance.